Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Reeling In The Years

Craig B has challenged me to dig through "the files" and find pictures from our elementary years. I keep telling Craig that whatever can't be found "must have gone in the flood" (of 1967 that devastated the greater Fairbanks area and washed away more than a few memories). Craig, apparently now an avocational mathemetician, points out that since I didn't leave Alaska until 1970, I have three years of pictures to account for. Such are the perils of having peers with brains.

So I did a wee bit o' digging (my mother was NO scrapbooker) and found some interesting debris. I'll scan some pictures and post them at my leisure. But I also found a real treasure. Unlike our beloved President who has no writing samples from any point in his pre-President life (except those two barely-scrutinized "auto"biographies), I can now produce this Veteran's Day play co-written by me and Frederick "Ricky" Chase (and assisted by Sara Slater, Mike Grey, and Teresa Mraz).

As if an unearthed time capsule, this play captures not just the broad sweep of 20th Century warring history, but also a moment in time in mid-November, 1969:
TOURIST 1: "...why don't we have [a war memorial] for the Vietnam War?"
GUARD (at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier): "Well, we probably will, but the war is not over yet."


Are you stowing away the time?

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