We're sitting on the west side of the Anderson Tunnel that gets us into Whittier. I believe this is the longest two-mode (cars + train) tunnel in the world / continent / solar system / state... I don't know - it's unique, ok? And it is all one way at a time. The west bound cars just came through, then the train comes out. Then we (cars) go east followed by the train. It takes an hour to cycle all modes all directions. Whittier is immediately on the other side of the tunnel.
So be glad we don't have more lay-overs like this or else all my posts would be long, tedious posts of great scholastic insight and little real popular interest.
Whittier? oh there is one in AK too? guessing you didn't mean the one that our fellow alum Richard Nixon, Matthew and I attended (a few decades apart of course.) here in So. Cal. Otherwise we would have been bummed not to finally get to meet my cousins and introduce you to your great-nephew.