Friday, June 19, 2009

Slow Start

Well, it's 2:30. I had hoped that by now we'd be on a train headed to downtown Chicago from OHare to grab some local deep dish pizza pie at Ricobene's. Instead we're sitting on the tarmac (that's airport speak for asphalt) in Kansas City and our 6 hour layover in ChiTown has diminshed to about 2 hours.
(As I write this, we just caught another delay. We're sitting in the airplane for another hour and arrive with 1 short hour in OHare to make our flight to Alaska - if it is not delayed.)

At this rate, the only pizza we're gonna get is at Sbarro in the OHare food court. The irony is, Sbarra started in Chicago... So I'll guess we'll be "eating local" anyway.

The picture is of my bride catching a few winks... and dreaming of real Chicago pizza.

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